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Hi, I am Nidhi, a local resident of Dharamkot village trained for pottery at Dharamkot studio since 2021 as a local candidate for skill development. Having this opportunity has provided me with my own financial autonomy for which I feel incredibly empowered. My exposure in regards to the field of art has taken my fascination across various new mediums whilst I also retrace my steps in local and traditional practices such as stitching. I revel in researching and practising new mediums as I feel I can sharply and quickly undertake these new acquired skills and develop them into my ongoing artistic practice. Currently, I am taking care of the ceramic workshops for children at the studio which I love doing!
Artist Statement: I am working in several spheres of art at Dharamkot studio including data entries and teaching whilst I continue to develop my own art pieces. The surface design of my work often involves that of intricate detailing. I have always been drawn to and naturally inclined towards this style of ceramic making, and this has led me to make my own versions of the variety of intricate design methods I have researched. Contrary to this amplified and decadent finish, I also have a fascination with functionality. I have been exploring what it is to be productive and how the idea of productivity can be related to an object. This, I feel, is made aware of through that object’s function.
Through experimenting with various types of clay, I have been working towards finding the intersection between function and beauty.